Sunday 27 March 2011

Dream seven;; Okami Showdown

I've been playing Okami and watching Xaiolin Showdown way too much lately... owo
If you don't know the game or watch the show you probably won't understand this but anywho.

So I was Ammy, but sometimes I wasn't, like in the game the camera is behind her, but yeah, and I was first fighting Ninetails and he was speaking in a really posh English gent voice, dunno what he was saying mind you, and then I was in North Ryoshima Coast and all these dragons appeared, (there aren't dragons in this game spet the god, but these dragons didn't look like him. Ever seen Xiaolin Showdown? Well they looked like Chase from that).

Then, side trip from Okami, I was at home looking in a mirror and my eyes were all red around them, not sore but they looked sore.
And I was like "WTF!?" And that Jack Spicer was there and we were talking, again, dunno what about.

But then I was back in the Okami world with all the main bosses and they had this special thing, like a club badge and I really wanted one, but I was Ammy so they wouldn't let me have one.
And the badge I think looked like my sore eyes...

Then I woke up.
I dunno what I was on but bloody hell! @_@

Friday 25 March 2011

Dream six;; Wiggly Wiggly

I was stood in a place, not really a room that was all one colour, but I didn't know what colour it was, and it went on forever.
I've been having a pain in the right side of my neck for a while now, so maybe that's something to do with it.

But anywhom, my right shoulder was stuck to my ear and my left arm was really really long and bending, and I was just walking about being wiggly...

Dream five;; Ostriches

Me and Amy went to some really weird place to take pictures of birds, (my current art project, not hers though...) was like a hotel kinda of place with different birds behind different doors. Anywho, Danny was stood there wearing this and greeted us in and then was gone.

Me and Amy then went through these big double doors at the end of a corridor into a huge green house and it was all jungle like in Jurassic park...

These ostriches were there and they came over and peaked Amy's face off and I ran about screaming "There gonna eat me", I think I watched The Lion King that night, ya know the bit where Pumba goes "She's gonna eat me!", well yeah, that's where that's from.
And I through the camera at one and ran away... And that was that! X3

Dream four;; Knives and Guns

I dunno what this has to do with any of it but me and two friends were staying in this hotel, but instead of rooms it was just stairs and the beds were on a flat bit, people just walked past you! XD
Then I was by some lake, in 'my house' and I had a neighbour, whom was my friend Katie but it didn't look like her and I don't think that was her name...
And it was just those two houses.

Something happened and she was like "you'll never get away with it, for killing them" my two friends from the hotel apparently, then she was like "come ere, I'll kill you and it'll be ok" so I grabbed this knife and was like cutting and stabbing her but she kept getting up, so i jumped over some raillings into the water, and I actually remember being freezing cold, literally, so vivid.

Then some how I had a gun and was shooting her and she grabbed the knife and the blade fell off and sunk then she said "see, look what happens when you kill people" and blood was coming from the handle, then she had the blade again some how and I climbed out the water and ran to a car, which was just kinda magically there and the gun ran out of bullets, she threw the knife at the tyre, I jumped out and just ran like shit, even though the nearest town was like an hour drive away, and then I woke up.

Dream three;; Train Trip

I was on some train, with Katie and Amy, Vicky and I think Danny was there, but he didn't do anything, just sat there gormless like always. Was a bunch of other people there too, but I didn't know them. I was drawing on the train too...
And I kept forgetting things like at each station and we were off to california and Katie was like "she (me) is such an attention whore I hate her" and then we were at this funny house hut thing over night and I went off to meet someone, and when I came back me and Katie had a fight and we cut each others throats and shit and then Amy was like "are you alright? -insert derp here-" and I said "meh, shes a bitch" and woke up.

Dream two;; Zombie Lighthouse

I was at school and it was completely empty. Then all these zombies came out of no where and well there's this little seat bit in my school and I was suddenly there with this little boy, too young to even be in my school and I was like "it'll be ok, I'll keep you safe", so we ran outside and then I was by the front wall and he was gone. Amy and Danny were stood there both in the jacket I wanted at the time, but they didn't say anything, and I got in the car with my mum and dad.

Then I was on some big twisting hill with a lighthouse at the top, with Katie, Amy and other Amy (whom was on a scooter...) And when we got to the top we were like "off we pop" and all jumped off.